Alexandra Irimiea

Executive Director

Alexandra is managing the FIC office activities and her main responsibilities are related to advocacy and strategies for developing the business environment and improving the legislative framework in Romania. Alexandra represents the organization in official meetings with the authorities and organizes events and projects with main stakeholders. She joined FIC in 2015 and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law and a Master in Public Institutions Management. 

Isabela Scorteanu

Administrative and Membership Specialist

Isabela joined FIC in 2023 and tackles the administrative activities of the organisation. At the same time, she offers support to members on the processes and procedures relating to FIC, assists on the financial operations and organization of events. Isabela has Bachelor’s Degree in finance and a Master in Finance and Insurance.

Andrei Serban

Junior Public Affairs Specialist

Andrei is a junior in FIC team and is studying economics with a strong interest in micro and macroeconomics. FIC supports the management in organizing events and tasks and ensures support for the FIC task forces on technology and FDI. Additionally, he helps with the social media pages of the association.  

Doina Ciomag

Leadership Advisor

Doina started working with FIC from its inception in 1997 and she has been with the Council ever since. After 25 years FIC is widely recognized as one of the most respected and influential advocacy associations in Romania, whose positions and recommendations are reasoned and sound. Doina holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from ASE, with a major in trade, and an Executive Masters in Business Administration from the Washington University - Seattle. Her expertise and professional career are related to advocacy and management consultancy services.