Thank you for your interest in joining the Foreign Investors Council.

As you might be aware, the Foreign Investors Council (“FIC”) is an association of the leading foreign investors in Romania. The FIC has over 110 members whose cumulated investments in Romania represents approximately two thirds of the total foreign direct investment made since 1990. The primary objective of the FIC is to foster dialogue between policy makers and investors in order to improve Romania’s business environment.

The activity of the FIC is carried out through 10 Task Forces build around the issues of concern identified by our members and highlighted in our White Book. The purpose of these instruments is to create a more enabling environment for discussions, to commonly agree on ways of actions on issues of common concern and to join efforts in solving the common problems which all businesses face on daily basis in carrying out their work. There are a number of 10 Task Forces mentioned on FIC Structure.

In addition to this, the member will be receiving the FIC Daily Newsletter, which is a comprehensive daily press review plus the FIC bi-monthly Newsfront, which is a bulletin of FIC’s activity.

The entrance fee is EUR 1,500 and the annual subscription is subject to the General Assembly decision held on yearly basis, the current rate is set to EUR 4,000.

Please consult the FIC Statute, the FIC Membership List and the FIC Board of Directors.

Please download the application form to become a member.

Application form

As you will note, the application form should be endorsed by two FIC members. Equally, according to our statute art. 8.1 the applicant should provide the necessary documents attesting that the company he represents meets the requirements for a foreign investors (usually annual report and presentation of parent company).

Once you have fill in the application form and you have received letters of recommendations from two FIC members please sent it to:

Foreign Investors Council/Consiliul Investitorilor Straini
Union International Center
Str. Ion Campineanu no. 11, 3rd Floor, Sector 1
010031, Bucharest

Please feel free to contact the FIC office directly if you need any additional information (see Contact).

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